犬塚康彦(いぬづか・やすひこ) 昭和32年3月、長崎県・新上五島町生まれ。趣味はスポーツ。
The hands of this gentle-mannered master were tough and sturdy, probably because he had been kneading flour for decades.
He has been helping his grandfather make udon, the family business, since he was 5 years old. Indeed, he has 60 years of experience in making noodles.
"Thanks to the hard work of my seniors and fellow craftsmen, I have managed to make it this far," he says.
The hardships of the noodle-making business on a small island must have been difficult ones. For his modest personality, he does not talk much about his footsteps as yet.
Goto Udon has grown into a top-quality brand with solid quality standards. A "Noodle Master" on the island conveys its appeal "The finished condition depends on the temperature and humidity of the day, so I talk to my udon every day to fine-tune the water and sea salt. The appeal of Goto Udon, made with the time and effort of hand-pulling, comes with its smooth and chewy texture, its unique firmness, and its smoothness".
Yasuhiko Inuzuka
Born in Shinkamigoto-cho, Nagasaki Prefecture in March 1957
His hobby is exercising.